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The Happy Engineer | Career Success for Engineering Leadership

Mar 31, 2022

Let me tell you a story about the day storytelling died. Once upon a time…


Wait, WHAT? Isn’t storytelling timeless?


In this episode, global strategist and leadership coach, Guillaume Wiatr, will show you the importance of building strategic narratives. He is the Founder of MetaHelm, a consulting firm which...

Mar 24, 2022

Are your attempts at reaching the next level “all thrust and no vector?” Has the fuel of your passion burned out, leaving you without a victory?


Can you imagine being an Air Force F-16 fighter pilot who is afraid of heights and claustrophobic?


In this episode, be prepared to fly higher than ever before with Lt....

Mar 17, 2022

How efficient are you? Is maximum efficiency a good goal?


What are the four pillars of efficiency you must implement to avoid being left behind during this industry (and life) revolution?


In this episode, I’m excited to chat with engineer, entrepreneur, and CEO of a growing global organization, Andrea Dallan. He...

Mar 10, 2022

Who is responsible for your career? The answer is YOU, but do you actually know what owning your career looks like in the modern workplace?


Have you ever felt like you “missed the train” when it comes to career growth?


In this episode, you will discover the keys to owning your career. Lauren Herring is CEO...

Mar 3, 2022

Have you ever felt out of balance? More importantly, are you out of balance right now?


Will you score a 37 or higher on the true test of your life alignment and claim the title of Happy Hustler?


In this episode, Happy Hustler Cary Jack shares his unhappy story of imbalance, and how it led to cracking the code in his...